Wedding photographer in Paestum

The wedding photography service, among the temples of Hera, Neptune, and Athena in Paestum

Being a wedding photographer in Paestum is a true challenge. The beauty of the natural photographic set provided by the archaeological park can make the task of creating a wedding service seem easy. However, the photographer must skillfully balance every element to create an original wedding album that fully showcases the couple.

Even in its name, Paestum preserves its centuries-old history. A history so ancient that it dates back to a time when humans built with their bare hands, stone upon stone, reaching the divine realm. Anyone who has had the opportunity to stroll among the temples of the Paestum archaeological park knows well that this aura of sacredness has been preserved intact.

Capturing it on photographic paper, however, is not easy. When it comes to wedding photography services in Paestum, like any other location, one must capture the nuances that make the soul vibrate, even before the camera’s sensor.

The rays of the sun that pass through the colonnades of the temples of Hera, Neptune, and Zeus, the passionate kisses glimpsed through the crevices of the ancient walls that protect the temples, the ruins of what was once one of the most important places of worship in the area.

Not to mention that Paestum is located in Cilento, a magnificent natural photographic set, in which the photographer can skillfully capture moments of beauty for the couple.

Contact us for your photo shoot in Paestum

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