How many times when we were small, did we insert our parents’ wedding video cassette into the old video recorder? This was enough to bring back time in a few moments and live those past emotions. Wedding Film always have this effect and, it is not uncommon, that sometimes they make even a few tears fall on the face of the beholder. The reason is simple: a good wedding videomaker condenses in a few minutes all the emotions of a day full of joy. When he succeeds, however, the result is visible on the spectator’s face.

Le Nereidi, Amalfi

Michele & Francesco

A Dream Wedding on the Amalfi Coast

Tenuta Le Trabe, Paestum

Fabiano & Sara



Rephrase with Ginger (Cmd+⌥+E)
Sara & Fabiano chiesa uscita confetti

Oasi Olimpia Relais, Sorrento

Bret & Shelby

Discover the Charm of a Wedding Destination in Sorrento: Shelby & Bret’s Enchanting Day

torre Normanna, Amalfi Coast

Nicola & Nicole

The wedding of Nicola and Nicole, the yes between the waves of the rocks of the Norman Tower and the timeless beauty of the Amalfi Coast.

matrimonio torre normanna
same sex wedding

Le Trabe, Paestum

Agostino & Gabriele

Agostino and Gabriele’s same-sex wedding at Tenuta Le Trabe in Paestum was a celebration of love, acceptance, and unity. The rich tapestry of emotions woven into every moment made this wedding a truly remarkable experience.

Villa Sabrina, Sorrento

Antonio & Anna

The bride and groom and their friends get ready by the pool, sipping cocktails and laughing under the warm Italian sun. The ritual in the church is solemn and moving, with local flowers adorning the altar and the scent of the sea mixing with the incense. After the ceremony, everyone headed to the panoramic terrace of Villa Sabrina for an aperitif at sunset. The evening party is spectacular, with twinkling lights, music and dancing until late into the night. The atmosphere is one of joy, love and happiness, in one of the most enchanting places in Italy.

Tenuta Porta di Ferro

Gianluca & Maria Assunta

Villa Kristal, Avellino

Bruno & Angela

Villa Carafa, Gravina di Puglia

Michele & Floriana

If you dream of a fairytale wedding in a dream destination, Puglia is the right place for you. The picturesque landscape of this region offers an enchanting backdrop to celebrate your love. Michele and Floriana lived a dream wedding in Gravina di Puglia, and your story could be next.

Villa Cimbrone, Ravello

Sara jane & Jonathan

Sara Jane and Jonathan fell in love with the Amalfi Coast during their vacation. They were enchanted by the beauty of Villa Cimbrone in Ravello. The charm of Villa Cimbrone made them return to Italy to organize their destination wedding and share its magical atmosphere with friends and relatives.

wedding villa cimbrone

Palazzo Belmonte, Cilento Coast

Stephen & Sharon

Stephen and Sharon, a couple from Dubai, chose the picturesque Cilento Coast for their dream wedding in Italy. With friends from around the world, they celebrated at Palazzo Belmonte, enjoying a romantic beachfront dinner at sunset.

Villa Andrea, Paestum

Jorge & Anna

Villa Eva, Ravello Amalfi Coast

Scott & Tiffany

Great wine, better food, newly formed friendships, a growing family, and two people in love who made a forever commitment to build a life together in the amazing setting of the town of Ravello. The romance of their ceremony was elevated even more by the stunning view of the Amalfi Coast. Villa Eva, the venue of their Italian wedding, felt like their home for the day.

Certosa of Padula

Antonio & Malika

Antonio and Malika have decided to celebrate their wedding day in Padula, one of the most enchanting villages near Naples, known for the Certosa di San Lorenzo, known just as the Certosa di Padula.

wedding assisi

Rosciano Castle, Assisi

Francesco & Sara

In one of the most evocative places in Italy, between uncontaminated nature and hills of yellow wheat, Francesco and Sara met 15 years ago. The day before the wedding day, the spouses organized a Pizza Party, during which they celebrated and danced in the company of their guests, and then pronounced their “Yes” within the walls of the beautiful cathedral of Assisi, also known as of the cathedral of San Rufino.

Borgo Stomenanno, Tuscany

John & Fiona

wedding villa ravaschieri

Villa Ravaschieri, Roccapiemonte

Francesco & Rosa

Villa Ravaschieri è una location splendida per le destination wedding in Italy, è un complesso monumentale del 1500 di alto pregio storico artistico. Ogni luogo sembra progettato e realizzato per stupire. Francesco e Rosa hanno da subito percepito il valore artistico che si respira una volta entrati a Villa Ravaschieri, che è assolutamente unico.

Tana Di Volpe, Cilento Coast

Alessandro & Sabrina

Negli ultimi anni il Cilento è sempre più richiesto dalle coppie italiane, ma anche da molte international couple, come destination wedding in Italy. Alessandro e Sabrina hanno deciso di far vivere un’esperienza a tutti i loro invitati, entrambi vivono a Bologna, ma Sabrina ha le sue origini proprio ad Agropoli.

alessandro e sabrina TANA DI VOLPE

Torre la Cerniola, Amalfi Coast

Gianpaolo & Annamaria

Gianpaolo e Annamaria, coppia salernitana, hanno organizzato il loro wedding day tutto all’insegna dei colori e dei sapori della costiera Amalfitana.
Il borgo di Erchie è la cornice perfetta per dirsi “si” nel bellissimo monastero benedettino di S. Maria di Erchie.

Villa Cilento, Napoli

Andrea & Manuela

Andrea e Manuela vivono a Milano, ma per il loro matrimonio hanno scelto uno dei posti più belli della città partenopea, città natale di Manuela: Posillipo. La bellezza del posto, l’amore di questa coppia ci ha fatto entrare a pieno nella loro intimità, il loro piccolo Giulio, è stato il punto di forza di questo racconto. Per la cena si è scelto il terrazzo, che ha come sfondo il Vesuvio.

Tana di Volpe, Cilento Coast

Alessandro & Daniela

Alessandro e Daniela avevano già deciso di legare le loro anime nel momento in cui è nato il piccolo Antonio. Noi siamo onorati di aver raccontato la celebrazione dell’amore di questa bellissima coppia, circondata da amici e parenti nel magnifico giardino di Tenuta Tana di Volpe.

Porta di Ferro, Cilento Coast

Luca & Sissi

Il matrimonio country chic è sempre più di tendenza: la location perfetta è la masseria.
Sissi e Luca hanno sempre sognato di sposarsi in una masseria e quando hanno visitato la Tenuta Porta di Ferro non hanno avuto dubbi, quello era il posto giusto per festeggiare il loro matrimonio.

Villa Ravaschieri, Roccapiemonte

Giuseppe & Michela

Villa Andrea, Cilento Coast

Giovanni & Verdiana

Villa Andrea, Cilento Coast

Giorgio & Marica

Tana di Volpe, Cilento Coast

Alessandro & Annarita

Grand Hotel Riviera, Sorrento

Cesare & Alessia

Video wedding: the art of emotions

The wedding video, together with the wedding album, perfectly embodies the emotions of a marriage. The magical moments of the formulas, the exchange of the rings, the exit from the Church. And then the wedding reception, with the cutting of the cake. And if the photo shoot stops these moments forever, the wedding video will take you back to the center of those unforgettable moments.

How the wedding video is made

A good video marriage usually does not last too long. Very often, in fact, the wedding video is shown to friends and relatives. Too long wedding videos can be boring and, in the long run, get tired. The standard of wedding films currently stands at around 20 minutes. However, compared to the past, image quality has improved significantly. Today, in fact, cameras (in our case mirrorless full frame) and photographic optics are used, which return images in 4k, which can also be reproduced on the latest television models on the market. The use of this equipment, together with steady-cams, drones and much more, allow you to get a final result of cinematic quality.

Editing of marriage videos

Together with the professional equipment, what makes the wedding videos truly unforgettable is video editing. Photò Studio Fotografico, for this purpose, tries to create linear wedding videos, which also contain a lot of original audio. This allows you to project, even years later, the viewer at the center of the scene. At the same time, careful research of the soundtrack is also conducted, so as to create a perfect mix. This also ensures that every wedding video is one of a kind.